is made up of people and organisations that pool digital cloud resources in a technological and cooperative project with free software; people and organisations responsible for the implementation, maintenance, management and support of the service. It is promoted by femProcomuns SCCL multi-stakeholder cooperative in intercooperation with other cooperatives and organisations.
Operational team
. These are the people who are currently working behind the scenes of the project to make it work, to make it grow and to consolidate it.
Cooperativa integral femProcomuns SCCL
The parent organisation of the project is the social initiative, non-profit, consumer and worker multi-stakeholder cooperative femProcomuns SCCL. Individuals and organisations become user-members of femProcomuns and contract the services with the fees stipulated on the rates table. In this way, the user-members are co-owners together with the employees. is a Cooperative Activity Group (GAC) of femProcomuns made up of members and other collaborators. Like other GACs in the cooperative, it has its own differentiated functioning channels and internal accounting, while contributing to the community structure.
femProcomuns has intercooperation agreements with other organisations that share the principles and objectives of the project, collaborate in the production of the service and participate in the CommonsCloud Strategic Council (CESC):
- bTactic – Work cooperative. Experts in open source, free-software and cloud computing solutions.
- Colectic – Work cooperative. They work for social transformation through participation, learning and socialising ICTs
- LliureTIC – Freelancers collective. They analyse and develop personalised ICT solutions using free-software technologies.
It has intercooperation agreements with other organisations that participate in CommonsCloud Consulting Council (COCC) to advise the CESC in the orientation of the project in the medium-term:
- Free Knowledge Institute – Foundation. They promote freedom of use, modification, copy and distribution of knowledge related to technology, culture and science.
- Jamgo – Work cooperative. They design and develop advanced custom-made applications. Working in a socially responsible way.
Users and Members
Anyone can become a user of simply by registering on its website. This gives you access to the project’s Agora and other free services. You can also contribute by collaborating in documenting the project and performing other tasks or participating in the open activities of the community. For most of the services you need to register as a member. This can be done both by individuals and organisations. Becoming a member implies a one-off contribution to the social capital (minimum €10) which will be returned if you decide to leave the cooperative. The services on the cloud can be contracted by means of monthly or annual instalments (quotas) once you have become a membership of the cooperative by contributing the social capital.
Funding and contributions aims to be an autonomous cooperative service, supported by the contributions of its members. While we get there, the sustainability of the project is complemented by own contributions from femProcomuns and other inter-cooperating organisations, as well as contributions from crowdfunding campaigns and public grants . Contributions received:
- Goteo crowdfunding 2018: Conjuntament, local economic development.
- Barcelona City Council 2018-19: Public grant: Impulsem el que fas, innovació digital als territoris; CommonsCloud per a entitats.
- Generalitat de Catalunya 2020-21: Public grant: Singulars Programme. Digitalisation and technology. Responsible consumption. fem núvol.

Persons and organisations co-funders
of the Goteo microfinance campaign in May 2018, which allowed the project to be launched:
To the people who at some point have contributed to ideating and promoting the project by contributing their knowledge, skills and work. To the people and organisations that have made disinterested contributions and also to those who have decided to pool their work, storage and communication tools by becoming cooperative partners. To the people, organisations and collectives that develop technological tools with free software without which the project would not be possible, among them: LDAP, NextCloud, Zimbra, BigBlueButton, Phabricator, Discourse, Dolibarr, LimeSurvey. To the people, organisations and collectives that form the confluence of Feminist, Environmental, Social, Solidarity and Common Economies (EFESSC) that are laying the foundations for a transformation of the economy that puts people, planet and collectivity at the centre, instead of private profit.